Without sales there’s nothing
Without sales there’s nothing and without sales training…?
It is hard to understand why sales teams do not enjoy greater support from their business owners.
Sales is a high pressure, high performance environment yet for much of the time that hard work is left unrewarded through poor pay, weak bonus structures and poor training.
I have heard it often said that a sales person enjoys greater respect in North America than here in Ireland.
Salary and bonus is usually a reflection of effort, experience and ability but a sales person can only thrive with proper training and development.
In most cases, sales performance is attitude based and if a sales person genuinely works hard yet doesn’t get the rewards then it impacts the motivation of the individual and of the wider team.
Most sales people do not need to be reminded of the “8 Stages of Sales” or “10 tips on better negotiation” – most failure in sales comes from a lack of understanding, of both customer needs and of product or service value.
Shift Control run sales training programmes throughout Ireland, working with SMEs and Start-Ups across a number of different sectors and a common thread is a lack of genuine understanding of brand values, basic concepts in marketing and customer value proposition.
Shift Control is a business improvement consultancy specialising in brand management – helping companies fully understand brand values, vision, and value propositions so that they can fully empower their sales teams to fully communicate to their customers.
It sounds easy because it is easy yet there are so many businesses who push on from day to day without fully understanding their true purpose.
As a business improvement consultancy based in Belfast – and the clue is really in the title – Shift Control works to help improve sales teams, business development units and Senior Management Teams fully exploit their true potential.
Get in touch to find out how we can help your company.