Episode 3: Callum Beecroft, PhoneJacker
Lead Generation, sales development, telephone sales, tele-marketing
I stumbled on Callum on Linkedin one day – in amongst the white noise I spotted a video of Callum in the middle of a telephone sales call. Not a good call, by his own admission but one where he was able to talk through what went well, what went badly and what he would change.
Some of the people I work with don’t listen to their good calls never mind the horror shows.
Who likes to hear their own voice?
Callum has a particularly fresh approach to lead generation / sales development and puts forward a strong argument for the inclusion of telephone sales into your business development efforts.
I really enjoyed this conversation – plenty to think about if you are a business owner or a sales manager or leader.
Even more for you to consider if you are in business development and need to generate leads or develop prospecting.
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