Some of the best advice that I have ever received came from none other, than the illustrious Brian Tracy. Not personally, obviously. It came courtesy of one of his many audio books and it
What’s the first thing you do when your business needs to quickly increase revenue? A somewhat generalist question with the typical answer found in “customer acquisition” There are only 2 or 3 ways of growing
Every since its launch in the late 1980s, PowerPoint has lead the way when it comes to visually supported sales presentations. Little has changed with the much-malligned software and with the exception of a few
The latest episode of the Shift Control Podcast takes a brief look at the importance of trust in building relationships with clients and business associates. In sales, building trust is critical to establishing meaningful
Professor Damian Hughes has worked with some of the top teams in the UK, and watched some of the best coaches in the country at work. In his highly acclaimed book, “5 Steps to
“The anecdote is the antidote” It has never been harder for brands, organisations and businesses to stand out for the right reasons. Right now, everyone is short on time and overwhelmed with interruption and
Over the lsat number of years, I have read a few books on sales and marketing which offer great insight, strategy and tactics and that I continually find myself referring to – Chet Holmes, The Ultimate
“Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is Rare.” A line taken from the brilliant book by Angela Duckworth; GRIT, The Power of Passion and Perseverance goes some way in describing what’s required for success in high
Have you ever heard of the Edelman Trust Barometer? It could be straight out of an episode of Brass Eye. Except it’s not. Established in early 50s America, Edelman has grown into one of
Making a business out of motivation, mindset and positive thinking In this episode of the Shift Control podcast I get into a conversation with Astra McNicholl who along with husband, Al, run The Itty