The T-Shaped skillset and sales training courses I must have been sick the day we were taught about T-shaped skills at school. Back in the day, learning and career options were limited. It would
Do you make “Practice” part of your sales process? How many of you spend time in ‘rehearsal’ preparing questions, answers, eventualities and outcomes for those big sales presentations? In fact, not just those big presentations
What’s the first thing you do when your business needs to quickly increase revenue? A somewhat generalist question with the typical answer found in “customer acquisition” There are only 2 or 3 ways of growing
I can’t remember exactly when I started reading Charles Bukowski – maybe 5 or 6 years ago. It doesn’t really matter when you discover a new writer, song, photograph or holiday destination just so
It’s only a mistake if you repeat, right? I remember vividly my first sales job immediately after I left Polytechnic – a telesales job for a lifestyle magazine called Metropolitan, which was distributed at