Sales Podcasts, video podcast and sales blog
Sales podcasts, Video podcasts and sales content
Over the last few months I have been creating content for distribution across the main channels that I use to connect with businesses in Northern Ireland and across the island of Ireland.
Previously I had recorded a number of sales podcasts which occasionally featured guests ranging from business owners, authors, coaches, consultants and business owners with the idea of sharing sales / business development related information.
In addition to the sales podcasts, I would write blogs which were published on this website, occasionally on Linkedin or as part of a newsletter distributed to an existing list of businesses.
The sales podcasts have now progressed to video sales podcasts having launched a YouTube channel a few weeks ago. I have uploaded some of the old podcasts but have begun a series of interviews that include, local business owners (Greg Bradley from BLK BOX), Compassionate Inquiry councillor, Kevin Young) with more to follow over the coming weeks.
I have also started to record solo podcasts, sharing sales information that I think may be useful too sales executives, sales managers, sales directors and business owners.
So far the feedback has been positive and comes mainly from local people – those businesses based in the North of Ireland / Northern Ireland.
These sales podcasts are primarily for these people so, thank you for your ongoing support.
Those channels are listed below..
Spotify 🎙:
Youtube 🎙:
Soundcloud 🎙:
iTunes 🎙:
#salespodcast #salescoach #salestraining #salestrainer #salesmentor #salesmanagementtraining