Be like the hedgehog…one big thing
Our big thing is “business growth for SMEs and start-ups”
I first came across the story of the fox and the hedgehog in Jim Collins “From Good to Great”
Collins paraphrases a Greek proverb where the fox, despite being incredibly intelligent and versatile, was unable to catch the hedgehog, who, on attack, simply rolled up into an impenetrable ball.
The fox was met with defeat time and time again, whilst the hedgehog, focused on one basic skill which made him almost 100% resilient.
“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

Do one thing. Really well.
Shift Control specialises in business growth through impactful sales training, marketing communications and brand development.
We offer sales training courses to companies across the island of Ireland.
We deliver business growth programmes to those businesses in need of an emotional and practical boost.
There are a few other things that we add into the mix – psychology of high performance, leadership, motivation and change management but mainly we focus on business growth.
It’s a bit like the fox and the hedgehog story in that we believe that a singular focus is required to develop good behaviours and attitudes amongst sales individuals and sales teams.
We work with start-ups, SMEs and global brands to help deliver business development strategies.
Business development is far too important to dilute it with anything else – all we do is:
– focus on creating a customer value proposition which resonates to audiences internally and externally
– map out a business growth strategy for all internal stakeholders
– align sales AND marketing teams for a common purpose
– develop training programmes according to needs
One thing.
One BIG thing.
If you need other types of training, we’d be happy to pass on the names of a few associates.
If however, your business requires a bespoke, focused and energetic, business growth / sales training programme for your business, then please get in touch.
It’s what we do best.
Shift Control is a business growth consultancy offering sales training courses, marketing communication consultancy and brand management for SMEs and start-ups across Ireland