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Episode 21: Make your self understood

Episode 21: Make your self understood

Every since its launch in the late 1980s, PowerPoint has lead the way when it comes to visually supported sales presentations.

Little has changed with the much-malligned software and with the exception of a few extra features, it has remained relatively unchanged since it was introduced to the marketplace.

sales presentations

“Death by PowerPoint” is a consequence of either a bad story well told or a great story badly told – either way, when it comes to sales presentations, it’s up to you to make sure that you are understood.

The latest Shift Control Podcast is out here on iTunes or below on Soundcloud




Working SMEs and individuals across a number of business sectors, Shift Control offers bespoke sales training courses and support for staff throughout your business – from trainee to SEO and from telesales executive to CMO. We bring together the disciplines of marketing communications, sales strategy and brand management to help your business survive and thrive.

For more information on how we can support your business development activities, in the first instance, please email info@shift-control.co.uk


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