Give your people the right kind of sales training It is hard to fully recognise the value of a customer until they are gone. You might know what financial contribution they make to your business
Summer 2018 has been a memorable one for me. The great Irish weather, the occasional music festival, an extended run in the All-Ireland series by Tyrone and a holiday to beat all holidays in
This has been a good year musically for me, so far – I have been to a few memorable gigs including Nick Cave, Joan Baez, Franz Ferdinand and Underworld, (both courtesy of the underwhelming
You’ve probably heard the one about the electric drill. Guy walks into a DIY store, looking for a ¼ inch drill when in fact he is looking to buy a ¼ inch hole in
“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Warren Buffet In any typical sales meeting or performance review, it is usually that person suffering from falling sales figures who truly believes that
Despite appearing almost interchangeable on many Instagram memes, there is more than a subtle difference between “inspiration” and “motivation” Inspiration comes from within. The word “inspiration” itself is derived from “in spirit” When I
Do you make “Practice” part of your sales process? How many of you spend time in ‘rehearsal’ preparing questions, answers, eventualities and outcomes for those big sales presentations? In fact, not just those big presentations
“Sponsorship is the future of business” Jackie Fast, Pinpoint: How challenging the norm is the only route to success in selling sponsorship. Only someone who has successfully navigated the choppy (and occasionally murky) waters
The deadline for the revisions to the 1998 Data Protection Act is fast approaching and whilst it may have been on the agenda for most businesses over the last 6 months, there are still