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How to deal with the “value deficit” in sales

How to deal with the “value deficit” in sales

The biggest challenge facing sales teams, in my opinion, comes from within.

Market forces, economic downturn, increased competition, technology all play their part in putting obstacles in the mind of the sales person and once the negativity sets in, it can be hard to dislodge.

Good sales people do not turn into bad sales people because of market forces – good sales people typically thrive in adverse conditions.

Having worked with many diverse businesses over the last 24 months, I believe that the real problem in business development comes from poor communication internally.

Marketing teams often talk about  “Mission”, “Vision” and “Brand Values” as if they were the 3 Musketeers of communication strategy yet what starts out as grand intentions, usually ends up pinned to the wall of the  reception area of head office.

What sales people lack most often is a firm understanding of what really makes them different – what makes them stand out for the right reasons.

But that sounds like “BRAND” stuff, right?


I call it the “Value Deficit” – it’s what happens when a sales person gets a challenge from a buyer and they are unable to fully explain “WHY’ they are different from anyone else.

Sort out your customer value proposition(s), communicate them internally, rehearse, roll-play and then repeat…shift control

Shift Control offer sales training programmes which being together marketing strategy and sales training to help discover meaningful value propositions and how they can be used to empower sales teams.

We work with senior management to:
– help develop compelling customer value propositions – for telephone sales, face to face sales or online
– work towards “outcomes” over “features and benefits”
– help build credibility and establish trust
– drive profitability
– empower and motivate sales professionals

For more information on how we can add value to your business development team, please email info@shift-control.co.uk for a free / no-obliagtion audit.


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