In 1925, Gustave Draeger, the son of a Prussian immigrant, opened the doors to “Draeger’s Delicatessen” in San Francisco. Over the last 90 years, Draegers has become a foodie heaven, offering the highest quality
I’m going to give you something to think about. Name one business / brand / company based that delivers a high level of customer service. Continually delivers a high level of customer service. The spontaneous
Rodney Crowell is back in town with a new recording – Close Ties – catch my review here on Folk and Tumble While you’re reading that – have a listen to one of my favourite
Don’t let the gatekeeper influence your lead generation activities A very common complaint from those actively involved in lead generation is the presence of the dreaded “gatekeeper” regardless of industry sector or business type. I’d
Over the lsat number of years, I have read a few books on sales and marketing which offer great insight, strategy and tactics and that I continually find myself referring to – Chet Holmes, The Ultimate
The one-time wingman to Robert Plant and The Band of Joy, Darrell Scott played Belfast Nashville a few Fridays ago. Here is the link to the review on Folk and Tumble… And here
“Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is Rare.” A line taken from the brilliant book by Angela Duckworth; GRIT, The Power of Passion and Perseverance goes some way in describing what’s required for success in high
Sales management training – a lesson with Greg Bradley According to a recently published Neilson Sports report our appetite for fitness health and wellbeing will see the gym sector become the shining star of
Have you ever heard of the Edelman Trust Barometer? It could be straight out of an episode of Brass Eye. Except it’s not. Established in early 50s America, Edelman has grown into one of
Making a business out of motivation, mindset and positive thinking In this episode of the Shift Control podcast I get into a conversation with Astra McNicholl who along with husband, Al, run The Itty