Some of the best advice that I have ever received came from none other, than the illustrious Brian Tracy. Not personally, obviously. It came courtesy of one of his many audio books and it
“Without technology humanity has no future, but we have to be careful that we don’t become so mechanised that we lose our feelings.” The Dalai Lama Over the last 30 years advancing technology has
Over 40 episodes into the Shift Control Podcast and I’m still finding my way. It can be challenging – sustaining interest, retaining (and growing) audience numbers and getting the quality of production right. It’s
The latest podcast is something of a rant based on recent experience with several clients who are enduring the pain of recruiting new sales staff. Recruitment is never easy – millennials or baby-boomers? The
Sales Training Programme: Advanced What used to work in sales doesn’t work anymore. Getting through to decision makers is getting harder than ever before and buyers are demanding so much more beyond price. They
What’s the first thing you do when your business needs to quickly increase revenue? A somewhat generalist question with the typical answer found in “customer acquisition” There are only 2 or 3 ways of growing
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Iron Mike Tyson Everyone “should” have a plan and if you are in marketing, business development or sales then you should be using
The idea behind this podcast is to get close to people who have experienced starting up a business, working for themselves, motivating and leading themselves and others in business and listen to their stories and share
Defining your Brand Story As I write the introduction to the latest podcast, I await delivery of my first Hemingway, “The Old Man and The Sea” Many years ago I remember watching the movie
Every since its launch in the late 1980s, PowerPoint has lead the way when it comes to visually supported sales presentations. Little has changed with the much-malligned software and with the exception of a few